




Everything around us is color: it is the first thing we see when we wake up and the last thing before we fall asleep. Color affects us mostly unconsciously throughout the day; only about 20 percent of the daily choices we make about color are conscious. We wear color, we taste it, we see it, we breathe it. Color also conditions our perceptions through its extraordinary synaesthetic characteristic. Therefore, color constantly intervenes in our way of being, our feelings and our well-being, regardless of our will. Through this mini-course, we will explore color as a tool for well-being. We will learn how colors can be absorbed by our bodies, perceiving them as vibration and light, and understand the impact they can have on our psycho-emotional and physical state. We will delve into the meaning of colors in relation to well-being and acquire the tools and techniques for using color in chromo-dietetic and chromo-therapeutic terms.

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