Our everyday life and our gaze are constantly immersed in color. Everywhere we turn our gaze, colors are present, intertwined and combined with each other. Rarely are we confronted with color in its pure state, unconditioned by another.
Despite this familiarity with the world of color, how often have we found ourselves turning up our noses at certain color combinations? We have thought, "But how is this possible?" This is because the ability to match colors together is perfected through the study and practice of techniques that allow color combinations to express themselves to their fullest, becoming extremely effective.
Not all colors go well with each other (and black does not go well with everything!). During the course, we will gain skills on color combination techniques and learn how to recognize colors through knowledge of their characteristics and their position in the color wheel. In addition, we will discover how to maximize the impact of color combinations.
The duration of the mini-course will be about two hours, with a cost of €200. You can participate either in-person at our atelier or online.